• AutoraAuthor: María Gemma Sáenz
  • Nº de libroBook Num.: 044
  • Nº de páginasNum. pages: 160
  • FormatoFormat: Digital
  • Primera publicaciónFirst published: May 2007
  • IdiomaLanguage: English
  • ISBN: 978-84-8166-028-9
  • Editorial:

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Self-Help Manual To Overcome Cancer



In 1992, almost at the beginning of my process with energy, a person suffering from cancer came to me. I was hit as thousand of questions and matters filled my mind..

Why me if I had so many conflicts with such a word? Once a friend told me: “we attract those we can help”, a sentence that I keep in my mind.
It was then when I realized that maybe that was the reason why I was here. Therefore, I gathered a group of doctors who have a wide range view and a real basis in the medical fi eld.

This, I respect and use when I need because as I see it, health is to medicine what the sun is to day



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Self-Help Manual To Overcome Cancer