• AutoraAuthor: María Gemma Sáenz
  • Nº de libroBook Num.: 114
  • Nº de páginasNum. pages: 103
  • FormatoFormat: Digital
  • Primera publicaciónFirst published: 2017
  • IdiomaLanguage: Español
  • ISBN: 978-84-17168-19-3
  • Editorial:

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Emotional Games That Liberate Karma


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The game teaches us to move, to impel and to hope from the calm.

Through «emotional games that liberate karma» we are going to connect with the pure part of our existence, that is to say, with our fiber that is where the lived positive is kept.

Playing we feel younger and get more oxygen, we do not think or seek the why of…




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Emotional Games That Liberate Karma